We are a full-service insurance provider specializing in Life, Health and Commercial insurance products. No matter where you're at in life or what kind of business you operate, we can provide personalized insurance programs to protect your future and the ones you love. Talk to Oakey McNew, our Insurance Consultant, about securing the peace of mind and insurance protection you deserve.

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Some of the Companies we represent through Bankers Insurance, LLC:

  • Cincinnati
  • National Grange
  • Progressive
  • Travelers
  • SBLI
  • St. Paul
  • Selective
  • Jackson National
  • Anthem
Oakey McNew
Insurance Consultant
900 Hethwood Blvd.
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 951-6277

Disclosures With Respect to Insurance

This will give you notice that insurance or an annuity sold by the bank or any of its affiliates: (i) is not a deposit or other obligation of, or guarantee by, the bank or an affiliate of the bank or any person selling insurance on the bank's behalf; (ii) is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other agency of the United States, the bank, or any affiliate of the bank; (iii) may in certain cases involve investment risk, including the possible loss of value.