
Online transfers are the convenient way to move money between your accounts at other banks and your account at National Bank – no checks, cash deposits or branch visits required. Just log in to your online banking account to schedule a transfer.

Use an online transfer the next time you need to…


Transfer money into a joint account for shared household expenses.

Put money in a vacation fund to help with travel budgeting.

Move money from a savings account for emergency expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TransferNow?
TransferNow allows you to quickly transfer money between your account at your bank and accounts you hold at other banks. This quick and convenient option can save you time and money. You no longer need to go to the branch to obtain a cashier’s check or to establish an outgoing wire transfer.

What types of accounts can I transfer to?
Log in to your online banking account and navigate to external transfers. When you initiate a transfer, you will see what types of accounts are eligible.

How soon do I have access to the transferred money?
You have access to the money in 2–3 business days.

Fees & Enrollment

  • Internet banking users automatically have access to external transfers.
  • There is currently a $3.75 fee for standard external transfers; $7.95 for next-day transfers.*
*TransferNow standard outgoing transfers post the following business day; standard incoming transfers post in three business days. Next day delivery for both incoming and outgoing transfers post the following business day.