National Bankshares, Inc. Reports First Quarter Earnings
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) announced results for the first quarter of 2014.
National Bankshares, Inc. Posts Record Earnings for 2013
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) today announced that it had record net income of $17.79 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2013, an increase over the nearly $17.75 million earned in 2012.
National Bankshares, Inc. Reports Income For The Nine Months Ended September 30, 2013
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) announced net income of approximately $13.17 million through September 30, 2013, up $106 thousand, or 0.81%, above the total reported for the first nine months of 2012.
National Bankshares, Inc. Reports Second Quarter and First Half Earnings
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) announced net income of over $4.43 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2013 which is 2.19% above the total reported for the quarter ended June 30, 2012.
National Bankshares, Inc. Reports First Quarter Income
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) announced results for the first quarter of 2013.
National Bankshares, Inc. Posts Record Earnings for 2012
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) today announced that it had record net income approaching $17.75 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2012, an increase over the nearly $17.64 million earned in 2011.
National Bankshares, Inc. Reports Increased Net Income for the First Three Quarters of 2012
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) announced net income of approximately $13.06 million through September 30, 2012, up $313 thousand, or 2.46%, above the total reported for the first nine months of 2011.
National Bankshares, Inc. Reports Higher First Half Earnings
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) announced net income of over $4.34 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2012.
National Bankshares, Inc. Posts Record Earnings For 2011
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) today announced that it had record net income approaching $17.64 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2011, a 13.29% increase over the nearly $15.57 million earned in 2010.
National Bankshares, Inc. Reports Increased Net Income for First Three Quarters of 2011
National Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market: NKSH) today announced that it had net income of nearly $4.51 million in the third quarter of 2011, an increase of 12.81% over the nearly $4.0 million reported for the same period of 2010.